Barrel Cloud

Barrel - UX Project

Barrel Cloud is a customer specialised in face identification and automated photo shooting in amusement parks.
3 months

User Experience Process with Barrel Cloud

Barrel Cloud specializes in facial recognition and automated photography in Theme parks around Europe.

They own a system where users take selfies and then upload the pictures to their digital platform. This platform matches pictures taken randomly through the Theme park with the selfies uploaded by users using IA. The users can search and buy all of their pictures using a unique code provided on their park ticket.

Recently, Barrel Cloud decided to redesign their platform's interface and entrusted us with this project.

To ensure the new interface meets the expectations and needs of all users and stakeholders, we followed these steps in our user experience process:

  1. User Research: We interviewed end-users, stakeholders, and others involved in the process to understand their needs and expectations. 
  2. Usability and Generative Testing: We conducted usability tests to identify issues with the current interface and generative tests to gather ideas on how to improve the user experience. 
  3. Information Architecture: We organized and structured the platform's information in an intuitive and easy-to-navigate way. We used methods like tree testing and card sorting to validate the information structure. 
  4. Wireframe and Prototype Development: We created wireframes to outline the design and structure of the new interface. Then, we developed interactive prototypes that were evaluated and refined based on user feedback. 
  5. Design and Delivery: After iterating on the prototypes, we finalized the interface design, ensuring it was visually appealing and functional. The new interface was implemented and delivered for integration into Barrel Cloud's platform.

The Result

This user-centered approach allowed us to create a solution that significantly enhances the experience for visitors at theme parks. They can forget about taking pictures and just have fun. Now it is much easier for them to find and purchase their pictures.

What have we done?
we shape your vision
¿Qué opina el cliente?

Barrel Cloud

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